9 Healthy Coping Mechanisms for Stress I Psych Central

list and briefly describe some examples of positive ways to cope with stress.

Ensure that you have leeway in your routine and incorporate leisure time so that a rigid schedule does not turn into another source of anxiety. The same applies to spending too much time online, compulsive shopping, overeating, and more. These forms of self-medicating may temporarily dull your anxiety, but soon you may face more stress as a result. Vices involving substances can also lead to long-term physical health problems that only contribute to stress levels. If you reach out to a spiritual community, be it a church, synagogue, lodge, or worship group, you’ll be expanding your support network. This can help build new friendships and relationships and diminish feelings of isolation and anxiety.

  • If, however, we are struggling to manage our stress, it’s important to seek professional help.
  • This “method” of coping with stress is not a very effective one.
  • Maladaptive coping mechanisms are negative ways of dealing with stress.
  • This form of stress comes suddenly and unexpectedly but goes just as quickly.
  • Sometimes, the best way to manage your stress involves changing your situation.

When to Contact a Healthcare Provider

Stress triggers a fight-or-flight response so you and your body are alerted about an incoming danger, leading you to either avoid it (flight) or face the challenge head-on (fight). When you recognize a threat, different hormones and chemicals (e.g. adrenaline and cortisol) are released throughout your body. These can trigger different physical, cognitive, and psychological changes in order to adapt. It takes a combination of knowing your type of stressor, your lifestyle and/or personality, and the most appropriate coping mechanisms or strategies in order to effectively relieve stress.

Negative Ways to Cope

Managing stress is key to avoiding long-term health problems. Depending on your levels of stress and general coping skills, you may be able to manage on your own. In other instances, you may benefit from working with a healthcare provider or mental health specialist. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to avoid stress completely, particularly in situations in which you have no control over the source of your stress. Emotion-focused coping strategies can help you change the way you respond to your stress. Whether emotion-focused or problem-focused, healthy coping skills should help calm stress without avoiding the issue.

Coping Strategies for Stress

For example, engaging in a hobby may be an effective way to unwind after a long day at work. But, going for a walk in nature might be the best approach when you’re feeling sad. Problem-based coping skills focus healthy ways of coping with stress on changing the situation, while emotional-based coping skills are centered on changing how you feel. Knowing which approach is right for a specific situation can help you deal with stress more effectively.

  • It’s the feeling you get when faced with any new or challenging situation.
  • Empower others with the skills to manage and learn from inevitable life challenges using these 17 Resilience & Coping Exercises [PDF], so you can increase their ability to thrive.
  • One-sided relationships can end up causing you more stress than relief.
  • If you’re looking for more science-based ways to help others overcome adversity, this collection contains 17 validated resilience and coping exercises.
  • This may involve setting aside small moments where you take a break from tasks, chores, and life’s daily stressors.
  • During moments of extreme stress, it also triggers the «fight-or-flight» response.

Research by Skinner and Zimmer-Gembeck (2007) reviewed 44 studies and identified and structured common adaptive coping strategies. From this research, the Adaptive Coping Wheel was developed by our very own Hugo Alberts, Ph.D., and can be found in our Positive Psychology Toolkit©. In contrast, Algorani and Gupta (2021) identify four major coping categories, expanding upon the original two styles with meaning-focused and social coping or support-seeking styles of coping. Research has found that maintaining a sense of humor can help people better cope with stress. Cultivating optimism works by reducing our rates of perceived stress while also increasing our resilience. One way to calm our bodies, therefore also calming our minds, is to go to a quiet place and take deep, long breaths.

list and briefly describe some examples of positive ways to cope with stress.

Sometimes there’s nothing we can do to change a situation, but often we can find an opportunity to take action and change the circumstances we face. Solution-focused coping strategies can be very effective for stress relief. With emotion-focused coping strategies, the situation doesn’t change but our perception of it does. These strategies are great to use when we have little ability to control what happens. They help us see stressors as a challenge instead of a threat.

list and briefly describe some examples of positive ways to cope with stress.

Work at Sutter Health

This breathing exercise can help soothe our nerves and slow a racing heart. According to the APA, having a solid support network can improve your ability to cope with stress. The American Psychological Association (APA) recommends including a rainbow of fruits and veggies in your diet. It also recommends avoiding substances, such as alcohol, that can adversely impact your ability to handle and cope with stress.

Ways to Cope with Chronic Stress

It’s crucial to handle and manage chronic stress with care. Episodic stress may occur when you experience frequent episodes of acute stress. If you’re often worried or anxious about the future, and you feel like everything is in disarray—that nothing’s in your control—then you may be feeling episodic stress.

list and briefly describe some examples of positive ways to cope with stress.

list and briefly describe some examples of positive ways to cope with stress.

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